For professionals and beginners
LeadCore Platform
The best assistant for affiliates and webmasters
Benefits of working with LeadCore
Typical constructor
LeadCore Platform
Basic Showcases
Link Shortener
Extended functionality of showcases
Adaptive templates, tops of offers, a html block, traffic back and a widget in different modes, advanced geo, banners, js-code, own footer, a tracking domain, etc.
API Integration
Receiving list of offers in JSON format
Smart Link
Creating one link for a group of offers
Traffic splitting - TDS system
Traffic distribution by different conditions, A/B tests
LeadCore offers unique tools that help you to solve multiple problems and focus on traffic
- Traffic splitting
- Integration
- Showcases
- Offers exclusions
- Domains
- Smart Link
Free access to all the tools
Sign up for the Leadgid Personal Account and use all the LeadCore tools absolutely FREE
Number of impressions
Excluded offers
Percentage of exclusion
Average data per day
10 countries
Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Vietnam, Philippines, Estonia, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, South Africa
Deliver traffic, the rest is the concern of
Sign up for Leadgid Personal Accountand use all the LeadCore tools absolutely FREE